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Nermine NA

Helping Empathetic Children

Unlike other children, highly sensitive and empathetic children have a slower nervous system.

Not only do they pick up on other people's emotions and thoughts, but live them with more intensity. Their nervous system becomes then over flooded and shuts down.

Some of the consequences are:

  • Physiological functions get "out of hand" (some children might find themselves going to the bathroom when it is "too late", for instance)

  • Irritability

  • Emotional exhaustion

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Fear

  • Panic attacks

  • ADHD

Just to mention a few "expressions" of an empathetic trait that has not been properly attended.

How to help them?

  • Empathetic children thrive not with MORE exposure, but with MORE TIME to process what happened during those exposures, whether we're talking about school, sports, birthdays, sleep over at a friend's house, etc...

  • We help them greatly by allowing them to understand themselves and by giving them the time to do so instead of assigning them with more "things" to do

  • One or two exposures per day are more than enough for those sensitive children.

  • A sensitive and empathetic child needs to be constantly reassured and reminded that he/she is loved the way he/she is

  • They need to know that they don't have to compare themselves to others

  • They must understand that they are allowed to live at their own pace

  • They must be told to connect with their own needs and try to honor and express them

  • They need help knowing that their emotions are friends that give them important information and insights

  • They also need to be taught how to interpret their emotions to gain a better understanding of themselves and be better protected next time they are with others

  • They must absolutely be reminded that others' needs, thoughts and ideas are not systematically better than theirs (because they are sensitive and empathetic, they tend to easily and unconsciously be people pleasing at their own expenses)

  • Allow them to spend time in nature and/with animals (free animals, not in captivity)

  • Offer them a safe and quiet atmosphere at home

  • Encourage them to not be ashamed of their depth and to show it

  • Empathy & Sensitivity are a traits to be accepted as beautiful gifts from God, not something to be fixed.

Empowered empathetic & sensitive children will thrive once their uniqueness is honored, for they feel & see more than others and will grow up to become adults who will help others.

Should you have an empathetic and sensitive child, or should you be empathetic or highly sensitive yourself, do not hesitate to contact me.

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