Every body tells you to get out of your comfort zone, as if comfort was an enemy to tackle to the ground, or a chronic issue, or disease to fight against constantly.
Just make sure you never, ever feel comfort, for it is a mortal sin now!
Interestingly enough, the people who tell you to get out of your comfort zone, do so FROM their own comfort zone.
They confuse comfort with apathy, stagnation, procrastination, laziness, mediocrity, depression, or lack of ambition.
Well, these things are not the same since they're called a different name, aren't they?
Take a comedian, singer, actor, or writer, who travel the world to perform or promote their movie or book. This is a pretty demanding way of life, and nevertheless, this is their comfort zone. These people are used to large audiences, airports and hotel rooms. On what ground should they get out of their comfort zone?
Now take a software engineer, who has a stable job, work schedule and takes the same path to work everyday. He or she loves what they do and excel at it. They contribute to their community with their expertise, their patience in listening to people's issues and their skills to solve these issues. This is also their comfort zone.
Who knows and says when and why it's time for change aside from God, or Life?
One cannot live in a constant and anxious state of change. As a matter of fact, change can be initiated by Life through a shock, a trial, a loss, a divorce, or through many other ways, because the universe is only working towards expansion, and we are part of it.
Once change as been initiated, one needs a period of comfort for the transformation to settle, to sink in and be embedded in every fibre of our being. This is absolutely crucial, for if this condition doesn't take place, one simply becomes overwhelmed and unable to reach a state of comprehension. The fruits of change are then lost and wasted in chronic struggle. Nature, unlike human beings, neither likes, nor produces waste, only people do.
God, Life, is wise and benevolent enough to make us feel when time for change has arrived. One can sense one's life has become too "small".It feels like a need to physically get out of a cage, or narrow circumstances because one has outgrown one's reality.
We definitely do not need lesson givers to tell us what to do, when or how to do it, for they don't know themselves.
If one needs to travel, not to another city, but to another country to visit one's parents, for example, would that be an activity considered within the limits of one's comfort zone? And if yes, who decides on the limits?
Many things can happen to a person on their way visiting family. In the bus, the train or taxi to the airport, in the airport itself, or on the plane. Who then tells you, "nope, sorry, you'll have to do better than that, for that's comfort".
Also, there are many ways to get out of a comfort zone. Do you enroll in a course? Wake up earlier to hit the gym or go jogging? Do you leave your life, pack your things and put yourself in a bus with no clear destination? Do you go for a crazy hair cut?
Some of us actually need to narrow our perspective and options to gain more clarity and laser sharp focus on the few important things, places and people of our life.
Again, the difference between people's self proclaimed wisdom and Life is that when Life pushes you towards change, it also provides the things, places, situations, people, visions and inspiration to do so.
On the other hand, people who tell you to get out of your comfort, never really know why you even should, how you actually proceed to do so, or what the limits of your comfort zone actually are.
Next time someone tells you to get out of your comfort zone, say: "Sure, after you! I'll be quietly watching the way you do it, which door you chose to force, and how it works out for you. In the meantime, I'm staying in my comfort zone. Don't forget to send us postcards!"
Nermine Naguib, April 26th, 2024