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Nermine NA

Children's Struggle Is Often Not What it Seems

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

Autism, High Sensitivity & Empathy (characterized by a slower nervous system and a hard time connecting with oneself because of the constant triggers that come from the surrounding), children with motricity issues, ADHD, or any kind of "differences" that can make the life of a child more difficult compared to "others", is often here to remind us that our children are not born to serve society, or even try to fit in it.

Some children have an old soul in a young body. What they came to accomplish has often nothing to do with the modern world's expectations.

Some children are very spiritual from birth. It is, in this case, a very bad idea to push, force, or rush these children into activities that suit others, teachers, or society.

The more one resists their soul purpose, the more pain and suffering, for them and the whole family.

All the issues mentioned above are often rooted in a spiritual cause that will automatically be dismissed by most of the "regular" treatments and approaches.

A lack of alignment with a child's soul purpose, deep nature and needs will cause serious delay in the child's development, deep sadness, despair, and confusion.

However, when parents remember that their children's soul chose them as caretakers, because they trust they will be protected and in good hands to evolve, everything changes.

It is sometimes also a powerful help and reminder for parents to honor their own spirituality, respect their own pace and stop caring for - and worrying about society.

A spiritual child is here to offer a profound, urgent call for Freedom and Truth.

Within a cosmos with millions of galaxies, our priorities can then easily shift from the shallow, tiny, meaning-, and merciless needs of society, to a deep understanding of a child's uniqueness, and a gentle, benevolent, brave, unapologetic, and bold protection of it.

Children sometimes suffer for their parents to wake up.

Some children need a very slow pace and a lot of quiet in life, in everything they do, for they need to tune in with "above" and channel the information they are supposed to be receiving.

Disrupting that connection produces disastrous consequences.

Children, and adults, need time to slow down to allow their soul to catch up.

These children have extreme sensitivity, an advanced sense of responsibility for their young age, a chronic tendency to worry about everything, a need to question and challenge the status quo (not to be confused with bad behavior or a need to disobey their parents), serious problems with authority (naturally, for they already have their own authority), constant anxiety and agitation. These are some of the many aspects of a "spiritual child".

When these children are being "forced" into the things they are not aligned with, and they are not supposed to be giving their attention to, they suffer from serious confusion, a lack of self-esteem, loneliness, sadness, despair, lack of self-esteem and boundaries.

All the above can turn into a pathologic clumsiness in performing the simple duties of life, like going to the bathroom and staying clean. It also produces problems in accommodating oneself in space, a lack of concentration at school, the tendency to lose control when there is too much trigger (what is too much for these sensitive children, is often "normal" for others.). They can also easily get extremely mad and have panic attacks over little things.

All the above can sadly become more extreme if the child is being blamed or shamed at home.

Of course, motor skills problems will produce an imbalance in the brain, but, as usual, this must be taken as the physiological expression of what is happening on a deeper, more spiritual level, rather than the issue to solve, for again, one might lose sight of the root cause of the problem by treating only the consequences.

There is such a greater purpose to life than serving society.

Children count on their parents to stand by their side no matter what.

Trying to make a child "fit", because there is no other option at school or in society, will cause serious, long-term, chronic diseases, an inability for the child to fit in, find his/her own place in life, establish healthy relationships with others and understand boundaries. This produces lonely, sad, people pleasing adults, who will have a constant fear of not fitting in and can be lost for a very long time.

Our children are here to teach us a new way of life through their differences and struggles.

When we free them from the need and pressure to blend in, we allow their uniqueness to shine and bring something fresh into our lives and the lives of others. We celebrate their differences and honor them, which, in turn, allows them to accept themselves, expand and involve as they should!

Never, ever surrender your child's wellbeing and peace of mind to please society's pace and expectations. There are so many aspects of society that are not "normal", even more so, deceitful, and merciless.

You are the unique parent of a unique child; this is an opportunity that not everybody has.

A special child has a special life purpose and path, allow it to unfold, for you will be the first to benefit from it!

Nermine Naguib, April 18th, 2024

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