“Matthew 15:13-14Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Things do not have to be true to be useful, life changing, or inspiring.
I do not follow the bible, or any other "divine book" "blindly" as I used to, for one must only question history to conclude that many "facts" are not actually "facts'', but legends and myths. That does not mean that God doesn’t exist, or that we cannot learn and benefit from fairy tales, cartoons, movies, songs, stories, legends and fiction.
As many others who went down the solitary path of deconstructing their own faith, not intentionally, but naturally, by asking questions and investigating to understand God better, saying that it is emotionally stressful and overwhelming is an understatement.
However, after the shock, at least in my case, a new, intimate, tailor made, better and more genuine relationship with God established itself. I found myself accommodating in a wonderful place, that I think no one has the right to take away from us, which is, the great Honor, and exciting state of mind and position of being like a blank page at the feet of God, like Abraham, Adam, or Eve, if you believe these figures existed (and even if you don't).
Talking to God innocently and directly, without the "middleman", the church, or the mosque, or any other religious institution, simply and naturally, prior to scriptures, rules, places to go to, people to talk to, books to reread a thousand times, rituals, money to give, good deeds to perform according to others' standards and expectations, emotional blackmail, community to please, ways to dress and eat, and so on...
Alone and away from the noise, I was finally found, after years of quest, in many countries and through many teachings.
We believe in many things others say to us, not only in the field of religion, but also in the fields of physical and mental health.
For instance, the theory that it is a lack of serotonin that produces depression is not supported by any kind of evidence, which, naturally, deems the need for drugs, not only unnecessary, but, of course, like the use of many other medicines, harmful and costly.
The belief that protein can only be found in meat, or that one needs to drink animal milk for calcium is another fallacy.
The understanding that acne calls for contraceptives or antibiotics as strong as roaccutane (that offers a list of secondary effects so long that anyone in their right mind would be scared to use it), instead of a simple healing of one's gut through healthy vegan probiotics, proper rest and avoidance of dairy, sugar, gluten and stress, to mention a few items here, is another example of the clear lack of will of "some" to set us free from harmful chemicals, complicated and costly procedures, as well as fancy and sometimes (unfortunately for easily impressed people), scary diagnosis.
Even the need for surgery or chemotherapy is often prescribed when natural solutions exist.
Research on sham surgery https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1888585/
An isolation period from God, for example, is a period one cannot escape from. Whatever door one tries to open, new paths one tries to explore, everything seems to be frozen in time and barricaded.
Such a period can be extremely confusing and hurtful, producing high levels of anxiety, fear, eating and sleeping disorders, PTSD, and depression, to say the least.
These issues cannot be treated psychologically, let alone with drugs, for the simple reason that they do not stem from bad behavior, or wrong eating habits, but act like "friends" who point to THE problem to be tackled, which is the painful and slow death of the ego, along with its limiting beliefs.
It is never a complete death of the ego, for one needs it to play a "persona" here on earth, but it is, at least, a freeing detachment from one's rigid identification with it.
All these issues start to fade away when one understands that "something" inside is destined to die, like the seed for the plant, or the caterpillar for the butterfly.
This understanding comes from asking God directly what HE's doing, and then, waiting for the answer.
No psychologist in the world can do that for us.
An isolation period is a leveling up period, an "eagle rebirth from it’s ashes" season, a deep, powerful, relentless and painful cleansing of the old ways, people, places and things. Trusting the process and surrendering to it is the only thing to do for the above-mentioned issues to go away.
Also, God will inspire us to make the necessary changes in our diet, friendships, routine, sleep, thoughts and beliefs to level up.
However, the most important outcome that stems from this isolation, I think, is the discovery of the True God. The One outside religion.
That God has little, to nothing, to do with the sometimes impossible God to please of religion.
So what do I mean by the title "God is the Only One that can Heal us"?
I mean that one can skip years of complicated and often costly medical procedures and simply say "God, I need something and I need you to tell me, or show me, what it is."
Then, the most important part is to be like a clueless child, a humble and hollow human vessel, without preconceived expectations or rigid knowledge (that's why I think the tree of knowledge was forbidden in heaven), to receive the answer.
That answer can be an inspiration to act in some way, or investigate in a specific direction. The solution is always natural, simple, extremely cost effective, empowering and independent (with limited to no intervention from others).
It will be like "diving" into the ocean of knowledge of the world and take only, and exclusively, what resonates.
In order to do this, however, one needs to be trained in recognizing God's voice, through our intuition, and trusting it fully. Then, everything becomes very simple and cristal clear.
For example, let’s say one investigates "how to heal a leaky gut", and from all the information available, our "inner guide" becomes automatically “identified” and naturally attracted to only one or two things to do, or stop doing, then these things are probably the right ones to act upon.
This information will also offer the advantages of being natural, cruelty-free, cost-effective, harmless for nature and our body, and sometimes counterintuitive. For instance, one might feel that one needs to stop eating vegetables and fruits for a while, that will be the inner guidance, or intuition, and after investigating, one will be able to find out that our intestines may need a break from fibres and fructose, simply. In all cases, the intuition came first.
The same process can then be applied to anything else in life. Going back to the times when ancient wisdom compelled people to rely on God, but most importantly to ask HIM for permission before doing anything, whether it was for moving to another country, getting married to someone specific, buying a land, sowing, or harvesting.
In all these matters, why speak to a manager if one can speak directly to the CEO?
One becomes then truly and healthily independent, not dismissing everything and everyone stubbornly, but also not following anyone blindly.
One begins to grasp the true magic of feeling empowered, but not with arrogance, that stems from relying on our own means and abilities, but from the reliance on the power that can only be found vertically and not horizontally, relegating the mind where it belongs, as the executor and not the master.
I do not know yet if I believe in reincarnation or not. Regardless of my personal beliefs, it does seem to provide the most satisfactory explanation to suffering, which would be the need to "come back" and set the balance straight.
American psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson dedicated 40 years of his life to it, gathering at least 25 witnesses, or proofs, for every reincarnation case he came across, oftentimes traveling to the person's location to check the accuracy of the stories for himself. When I say a "person", I mean children, for they are the ones that seem to remember, up to the age of 4 or 5, before serious conditioning happens, their past lives in great detail.
If one puts reincarnation, and therefore karmic debt into the equation of our lives, which would also mean considering "past contracts" and “previously known people” we are still meant to have some "business" with, whether it is simply by getting scammed by a taxi driver, to pay back a debt, to feeling instantly comfortable with a complete stranger because we shared a past life with him or her in some way, it is needless to say that one would dive far deeper than any psychological or counseling session could ever go.
Again, like shamans, and healers in general, have been doing throughout history, the answer to any of our predicaments dwells in the Heart of God Himself, and the only way to go there is by becoming hollow, letting the Energy that created the body heal the body and the Intelligence that created the entire cosmos, in which our tiny existence is included, provide the answers that we need.
Also, with this perspective, one comes to the freeing and wise conclusion that it is useless to get mad at anybody, for any reason. Whether a doctor, a psychologist, a coach, an imam, a priest, a pastor, a rabbi, a parent, a teacher, or a friend, for it is not because we are all on earth at the same time, that every single one of us is on the same path. We are all on a different evolutionary journey.
Also, we were never born equal, nor will we die equal, it is therefore everyone's job to find out what their "level of consciousness” and “unique purpose" are, and this cannot be taught, or found, in any book or school on the planet, but inside, through a deep, intimate, and innocent connection with God, the Universe, Life, Infinite intelligence, or however one wishes to call "it", if one calls it anything at all.
An authentic, bold, unique, and unapologetic journey is the only way to go about it, for there is no time, nor need, to please others.
Like the way of the Buddha, the solitary seeker, who has nothing to lose by investigating independently.
Last, but not least, there are two parenthesis I would like to open before putting a final full stop to this article.
The first one is: even if I am a believer in God outside of religion, I think the only honest and noble way to educate our children is by NOT preaching, but by allowing them to be exposed to everything that is available, whether it is Islam, Christianity (with all its branches), Atheism, Buddhism, History of Religions, and anything they would like to know about, for I don’t think it is fare, or loving, to write on the beautiful blank pages THEY are, what WE are. Let us let them be free and empowered, for they do not belong to anybody, except themselves and God.
The Second parenthesis would be: everything that has been said in this article, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the “new age” law of attraction, or manifestation practice, that I am completely and utterly against, for it does not require a human being to become a better person, but to simply become a slave of his/her own desires and endless gluttony. I think this is unacceptable, irresponsible, selfish, shallow, narcissist, and dangerous.
I have yet to come across one single YouTube video that talks about the law of attraction, featuring someone who tried to manifest clean oceans, or animal welfare. This does not exist, for these wealthy people, these false prophets, make it a point to teach others that “they can have anything they want”, which isn’t the point of being on this planet and living this life.
Please reject this with every fibre of your being, all your strength and your soul and point this to others to free them from this pathetic, yet dangerous and evil work of the “enemy”.
Nermine Naguib
April 21st, 2024