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Writer's pictureNermine Naguib

Research & stories

Updated: Dec 18, 2023

A man and woman in swimwear enjoying on a serene beach at sunset, connecting with the ocean's energy and the setting sun's tranquil vibes. The perfect backdrop for discussions on Spiritual & Holistic Psychology, Energy Healing, and Intuitive & Empathetic Counseling.
Basking in the Healing Energy of Nature

Whether one believes in God or not, it is easy to, at least, recognize the greatness of our universe, planet, animals and natural elements. It is also obvious that God, or the Infinite Intelligence that imagined such a magical world, could not have been mistaken when choosing to put Nature, Animals and Human Beings together, at the same time, on the same planet. The above means that this Intelligence knew it would work and that the Original Plan was never for us to destroy, dominate, or abuse one another. We simply disconnected from the Original Will and have been led astray since. The Original Plan was for Nature, Animals and Humans, to thrive, alongside one another.

Imagine then, the following story: Human beings simply watching, with humility, sensitivity, admiration, gratefulness and understanding, wild horses run freely, without the need to dominate or use them. Imagine us all getting inspired by the immaculate beauty, perfection, grace, and magic of our Nature and its living kingdom.

Imagine Human beings LISTENING, instead of trying to fix, change, domesticate, destroy and kill their surroundings. Imagine us learning from the magical Octopus, that can display behaviors that are crazier than the ones, characters from science fiction movies exhibit, changing shapes, patterns and colors whenever needed, and growing new body members when wounded.

Imagine us thanking, from the bottom of our hearts, every single living creature on earth, whether an aunt or a blue whale, for its powerful beauty and peaceful sight, knowing, deeply in our soul, that we are all One, and that the same breath of life that flows through our veins, is the same one that flows through every other living being.

This is the story I wish we could write together...

The above is not a naive fairytale, on the contrary, research has proven, time and time again, that we are all entangled, capable of feeling and knowing one another without and beyond words.

In the section "Depression & Apathy", I mention the experiment by Cleve Backster on plants, in February1966. He proved that plants can feel and understand emotions. When one hurts anything, one hurts one own "self" deeply and starts to spread, unconsciously, misery and desolation.

The purity and the natural lack of resistance to the Energy of Source animals have, allow them to feel subtleties that many human beings generally miss and demonstrate clear Psi abilities, like:

- Precognition

- Disease detection

- Reaction to impending danger to itself or its owner - Reaction to the death of owner at a distance - Anticipation of owner’s return - Homing - Trailing (finding owner in unfamiliar terrain or previously unknown location)

Animal precognition includes earthquakes: The Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 killed up to 280,000 people but had minimal impact on the animal populations. There were reports of dogs, elephants and cattle moving away from the coast an hour before the waves hit, as if they sensed the impending catastrophe.

In 1969, French researchers Duval and Montredon reported highly significant results in support of precognition in mice. Mice were placed in a cage, of which one half was electrified at random times. The objective was to determine whether the mice might anticipate the electrification in advance and avoid discomfort by moving to a safe area. This happened 359 out of 612 times, 53 more than chance expectation.

Clever Hans In early twentieth century Germany there was much public interest in a horse named Hans, which appeared able to answer simple arithmetic questions given to it verbally by tapping his hoof (for example, 5 + 9 would elicit 14 taps). An initial investigation supported this claim, but a more thorough examination revealed that it was responding to subtle cues from its owner.

VL Durov In the early 1920s a Russian circus entertainer named Vladimir Leonidovich Durov claimed to be able to communicate with his animals, even to give them commands that they duly executed. Under the careful observation of electrical engineer Bernard Bernardovich Kazhinskiy, 696 experiments out of 1276 carried out over a two-year period appeared to support his claim.

The Dog Max In the 1930s, homing experiments with a dog called Max were carried out near Munich. The dog was escorted in a closed van to a randomly chosen location six miles from its home, then abandoned. The dog routinely made its way back home in about an hour, successfully navigating unfamiliar routes. Trained observers who watched its behavior did not see it sniffing the ground or trees, suggesting that it was not making use of its sense of smell.

Henry Blake Henry Blake, a British horse trainer, carried out experiments over a 40-year period from the 1930s, testing his belief that bonded horses, especially siblings, share a telepathic connection. In one experiment he separated a bonded pair so that each was out of sight and earshot of the other, then fed one of them at an irregular time. In 21 of 24 trials the other became agitated and demanded food. In other experiments feeding was replaced by exercise, eliciting signs of excitement in the horse that was not being exercised. Likewise, pampering one horse with treats caused the other to display behavior suggestive of jealousy. In a total of 119 experiments, 81 (68%) gave positive indications of telepathic connection.

Aristide Esser In the early 1970s, American psychiatrist Aristide Esser conducted studies of telepathy in dogs, using separate rooms that were well proofed for sound and vibration. He placed the owner of pet beagles in one room and the dogs in the other and had the owner fire an airgun, observing the animals’ reaction: the beagles showed excitement at each shot, although they could have no sensory awareness of it. In a second experiment a boxer dog in one room exhibited a stress response when its owners in another was subjected to a startle stimulus at random moments.

These examples, to site only a few, can be found in the Psi Encyclopedia.

In humans, Shamanism, Distant Energy Healing, Intuitive Channeling, Telepathy and Extreme Empathy have been existing for centuries and used by many old, humble and wise souls.

Our interconnectedness is a proof that our mental, physical and emotional health is directly linked to the well-being of the planet, nature and its inhabitants...all of its inhabitants. There is no way we can FEEL good if we harm what is around us.

"If I harm YOU, or THEM or IT, I harm ME, every single time"...

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